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(Scalp Micropigmentation)

Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical Procedure that involves individually placing microdots of pigment into the Dermal Layer of the Scalp to replicate the appearance of Hair Follicles. This procedure is effective for both: Men and Women.
For Men and Women:
Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical Procedure that involves individually placing microdots of pigment into the Dermal Layer of the Scalp to replicate the appearance of Hair Follicles. This procedure is effective for both: Men and Women.

More about SMP

SMP is a long-term Solution to Hair Loss resulting from:

  • Unsuccessful Hair Transplants due to insufficient donor hair
  • Scars formed from donor sites in Hair Transplant Surgery
  • Scars from Injury or Operations Hair Thinning on the Scalp in Females
  • Trichotillomania (a disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out body hair)
  • Alopecia

 The replication of hair follicles with a Cosmetic Tattoo Technique to treat Baldness, Alopecia and Scars for both Men and Women.
Scalp Micropigmentation is non-surgical Hair Restoration Solution that provides instant results!

Hair Loss and Hair Thinning can affect 70% of men and 50% of women at some stage of their lives.

SMP is a long-term Solution to Hair Loss resulting from:

  • Unsuccessful Hair Transplants due to insufficient donor hair
  • Scars formed from donor sites in Hair Transplant Surgery
  • Scars from Injury or Operations Hair Thinning on the Scalp in Females
  • Trichotillomania (a disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out body hair)
  • Alopecia

The replication of hair follicles with a Cosmetic Tattoo Technique to treat Baldness, Alopecia and Scars for both Men and Women.
Scalp Micropigmentation is non-surgical Hair Restoration Solution that provides instant results!

Hair Loss and Hair Thinning can affect 70% of men and 50% of women at some stage of their lives.

SMP is a long-term Solution to Hair Loss resulting from:

  • Unsuccessful Hair Transplants due to insufficient donor hair
  • Scars formed from donor sites in Hair Transplant Surgery
  • Scars from Injury or Operations Hair Thinning on the Scalp in Females
  • Trichotillomania (a disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out body hair)
  • Alopecia

The replication of hair follicles with a Cosmetic Tattoo Technique to treat Baldness, Alopecia and Scars for both Men and Women.
Scalp Micropigmentation is non-surgical Hair Restoration Solution that provides instant results!

Hair Loss and Hair Thinning can affect 70% of men and 50% of women at some stage of their lives.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Autoimmune Disorder
Severe Stress
Dietary Issues
Steroid Abuse
Possible contraindications

  • No usage of any topicals for 30 days before and after the SMP procedure (Rogaine, Spectral DNC, Dandruff shampoo etc).
  • Fanasteride stops hair growing. Must be off it 30 days before and after SMP Procedure.
  • Microneedling procedure not less than 4-6 weeks before the skin is healed.
  • Hair Restoration 6 months healed.
  • No Acne Pills (Accutane) for 1 year.
  • Hair Fibers ok as long as skin is healed.
  • In case of extreme anxiety or depression.

  • No usage of any topicals for 30 days before and after the SMP procedure (Rogaine, Spectral DNC, Dandruff shampoo etc).
  • Fanasteride stops hair growing. Must be off it 30 days before and after SMP Procedure.
  • Microneedling procedure not less than 4-6 weeks before the skin is healed.
  • Hair Restoration 6 months healed.
  • No Acne Pills (Accutane) for 1 year.
  • Hair Fibers ok as long as skin is healed.
  • In case of extreme anxiety or depression.

  • No usage of any topicals for 30 days before and after the SMP procedure (Rogaine, Spectral DNC, Dandruff shampoo etc).
  • Fanasteride stops hair growing. Must be off it 30 days before and after SMP Procedure.
  • Microneedling procedure not less than 4-6 weeks before the skin is healed.
  • Hair Restoration 6 months healed.
  • No Acne Pills (Accutane) for 1 year.
  • Hair Fibers ok as long as skin is healed.
  • In case of extreme anxiety or depression.
Daria D
Medical Tattoo LLC

My works

Prior procedure and aftercare

One day prior procedure:

  • Avoid the following medications and foods, as their consumption causes an increased likelihood of bleeding problems: Steroids, Anti-inflammatories, Aspirin, Ibuprofen (or any meds that contain them). Foods and herbals supplements containing Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo, Fish Oil, Vitamin E (found in all Multi-Vitamins). If you have any questions about a medication or supplement, please call the office.
  • If you are taking any medications that have been prescribed by another physician, please review these with your physician.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior to the procedure. No blood thinning procedure.
  • Patient must exfoliate scalp night before the procedure.

Men and women aftercare:

  • The first 4 days are absolutely crucial and important due to the skin behavior. The micro wound does not close until day 4. The area becomes completely healed in 7 days.
  • NO SUN EXPOSURE (during healing process and after all). Exposure to the sun and tanning beds can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment.
  • Don’t exercise (such as run, do yoga, or cycle) for 1 week after your procedure or while there’s scabbing. If you’re in physical therapy, it’s okay to continue after your procedure.
  • Avoid all sources of heat, hot showers, steam rooms or saunas for 2 weeks.
  • Stay away from topicals, creams or medications.
  • The Patient can use any Aftercare Products that has minimal ingredients and no fragrance: Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, or any other dedicated PMU/SMP/TATTOO aftercare.
Is it permanent?
Treatment is performed in 2 to 3 sessions. The result lasts from 2 to 5 years. But over time, the color of the pigment fades, so touch-up sessions may be required to maintain colour.
However, it is impossible to predict the exact length of time it will last as lifestyle and other variables can affect treatment and some individuals may have the remnants of this treatment for a longer period.
Is it like a regular tattoo?
No. Unlike a traditional tattoo that would use ‘ink’, SMP is performed using specially designed pigments that will not have the colour change or migration (blurring) that a body art tattoo would have. Although it may appear to be a similar technique, the needles and treatment depth into the skin are very different. Both use needles to implant colour, but that is where the similarity ends.
Is it safe?
Yes. We use sterile one-time use needles and all other materials used are disposed of immediately after treatment.
Will it hurt?
Most clients do not feel the need to have anaesthetic during the procedure.
What if I want to grow out my hair?
Depending on your balding pattern this may be possible. Consultation between a prospective patient and an experienced hair restoration doctor or their well trained staff before undergoing SMP is invaluable.
What if I lose more hair?
At the consultation, we will discuss in depth all the possible outcomes. We work in such a way that if there is more hair loss we can blend and increase the treatment area.
What if I want a hair Transplant later on?
Having SMP will enhance any transplant surgery FUT or FUE, by creating an illusion of thicker hair at a root level. This treatment works very well with hair transplant surgery and many patients use SMP as a way to create some coverage whilst waiting for surgery, as the result is instant and a financially effective option.
Does it look real?
Yes. This treatment will create the illusion of a shaved head or 5 o’clock shadow but it is not actual hair so on very close inspection or touch, you will not feel the stubble as you would with real hair. Some clients choose to have some FUE to create the feel of stubble if the donor hair is available.
Will my head turn a funny colour?
Traditional body art tattoos do have the tendency to change colour. If it was black to start with, very often they will turn blue as a result of migration (blur), which is due to the type of ink used, and the tissue level the tattoo was implanted. SMP is not implanted at a deep level on the scalp and the simulated hair follicles are implanted in the very top layers of the epidermis. Factors such as sun exposure will have an effect on colour retention, which is why it is important to adhere to the aftercare instructions for your SMP treatment and to use a high factor sunblock every day. The explanation for an ashy or green/grey appearance can be likened to how blood vessels appear green under the skin; the increased absorption of the red spectrum of light gives rise to this phenomenon (i.e. if you absorb red you will perceive green). When pigment is deposited beneath the skin, there is ‘no true’ perception of black. The deeper pigment is deposited, the more potential for change in perception of colour.
Can you make an irregular natural hair line?
As we are hair restoration specialists and experts at creating natural looking hair lines, the answer is yes! Most clients want a soft and natural fading front hair line, while others prefer a more distinct and linear look. We advise and work with our clients individually to obtain the look they want.
Does SMP work on women with thinning hair?
Yes, in many women it’s an ideal solution, However, we need to investigate the cause of the hair loss or hair thinning first and rule out medical conditions.
Will it damage my existing hair?
No. In fact there is evidence to show that this treatment can be beneficial for clients suffering from Alopecia as this treatment creates hyperaemia, bringing blood flow to the surface as a by-product of micro trauma to the area. In some cases, this means that natural hair re-growth can occur in the areas treated but is not something we can guarantee or promise.
How long does the treatment take?
Depends on the size of the affected area.
What will I look like immediately after treatment?
You will look like you have hair. If you have a lighter complexion, your scalp will have ’redness’ for approximately 24-48 hours after treatment. On darker skin, this does not tend to show at all. The results are immediate, so you will have the appearance of a closely shaven head although it may take 2-3 applications for the completed look. The pigment colour may appear darker until it has had time to settle and you have washed off the excess pigment, approximately 5-7 days. Again this is more noticeable on lighter skin. It is not uncommon to lose implanted colour, which is why you will require 2-3 treatments to ensure an even colour match all over. We recommend at least 7 days between HPT treatments to ensure a true colour match. That way we can amend colour and make any minor changes before the next treatment to guarantee the best outcome possible.